My flight from Toronto went a bit sideways, couldn't land at LaGuardia due to winds, couldn't land at JFK as it was now too busy, circled an hour and finally landed in Newark only to learn Homeland Security wouldn't allow us to deplane because New Jersey was not in our flight plan...
Refueled and circled the NY airports for another hour, finally managed a rough landing in the wind at LaGuardia. The one hour flight took six, got to the Comfort Inn around 11pm, figured out that the reason the room was so cheap is that it's a basement room with no windows, fine with me as it's silent down here.
Dropped my stuff and headed out for my number one priority of the day: Halal Guys!
I've made a recipe for Halal Chicken & Rice for a decade that I was told came from this cart on 53rd. The guys working there were great, ensured me that it's not their recipe and gave me tastings of different things to prove it. Got a massive portion of chicken and rice and pita and salad for $7 and ate it sitting on the Time's Square LOVE sign with the halal guys grinning at me, walked around a while and crashed in bed around 3.