Out the door bright and early and down into the subway, the subway is as awesome as I hoped but am already regretting getting a hotel 15 minutes walk away from the closest station, walking is a limited resource.
Breakfast at Barney Greengrass "The Sturgeon King of Manhatten", lox and bagel, creamiest cheese.

Grand Central is impressive, level after level underground leading to dozens of platforms for subway and light rail and trains, a sign that says "TURN LEFT FOR PLATFORMS 79 - 111, A, B, 5, 7, 9, N, K TRAINS, LI RAIL" seems very New York scale.

Yes, that IS the original Winnie and Eeyore and Tigger and Rabbit that A.A. Milne gave to Christopher Robin and later made up stories about. They live in a glass box in the basement of the central library.

That's the Gem Spa, an all-night odds and ends store with a soda counter that claims to be origin of the egg cream, stopped in for one and then went into a random bar around the corner to pee, asked the bartender for a pint of their cheapest draft, paid and lined up for the bathroom, a guy butted in front and snagged my spot, when he left he apologized and we shook. I peed and was headed out the door when the bartender yelled at me, I turned around and there, next to my untouched glass of cheap beer was a second glass of cheap beer. The bartender said it was from my friend. Mr bathroom butt-in apologized again and invited me to his table, amazing, sat with these guys and drank the two worst beers of my life but had a great time.
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